English dictionary


odalisque |ˈəʊdəlɪsk| — a woman slave in a harem

odd |ɑːd| — not easily explained

odd-jobber  — One who performs odd jobs; a handyperson.

oddball |ˈɑːdbɔːl| — a person with an unusual or odd personality

oddfellow |ˈɒdˌfeləʊ| — A member of a secret order or fraternity established for mutual aid and social enjoyment.

oddish |ˈɒdɪʃ| — somewhat strange

oddity |ˈɑːdətɪ| — eccentricity that is not easily explained

oddly |ˈɑːdlɪ| — in a manner differing from the usual or expected

oddments |ˈɒdmənts| — a motley assortment of things

oddness |ɒd| — the parity of odd numbers (not divisible by two)

odds |ɑːdz| — the likelihood of a thing occurring rather than not occurring

odds-on |ˈɑːdˈzɑːn| — having a better than even chance of success

ode |əʊd| — a lyric poem with complex stanza forms

odea |ˈɑːdɪə| — plural form of odeum

odeum |əʊˈdiːəm| — Alternative form of odeon.

Odin |ˈɒdən| — (Norse mythology) ruler of the Aesir; supreme god of war and poetry and knowledge and wisdom (for which he gave an eye) and husband of Frigg; identified with the Teutonic Wotan

odious |ˈəʊdɪəs| — unequivocally detestable

odiousness  — the quality of being offensive

odium |ˈəʊdɪəm| — state of disgrace resulting from detestable behavior

odometer |əʊˈdɑːmɪtər| — a meter that shows mileage traversed

odontoid |əʊˈdɑːntɔɪd| — Resembling a tooth, especially in shape

odontology |ˌəʊdɑːnˈtɑːlədʒɪ| — the branch of medicine dealing with the anatomy and development and diseases of the teeth

odor |ˈəʊdə| — any property detected by the olfactory system

odoriferous |ˌəʊdəˈrɪfərəs| — emitting an odor

odorless |ˈəʊdələs| — having no odor

odorous |ˈəʊdərəs| — emitting an odor

odour |ˈəʊdər| — the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form

odourless |ˈəʊdərləs| — having no odor

Odysseus |əˈdɪsɪəs| — (Greek mythology) a famous mythical Greek hero; his return to Ithaca after the siege of Troy was described in the Odyssey

Odyssey |ˈɑːdəsɪ| — a long wandering and eventful journey

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