Abandoned - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |əˈbændənd|  American pronunciation of the word abandoned
Brit.  |əˈbænd(ə)nd|  British pronunciation of the word abandoned
- this word is a past tense form of the verbto abandon
- this word is a past participle form of the verbto abandon


- forsaken by owner or inhabitants (syn: derelict, deserted)
weed-grown yard of an abandoned farmhouse
- unrestrained and uninhibited
an abandoned sadness born of grief

Extra examples

He led a reckless and abandoned life and died young.

...she consciously avoided walking past the abandoned house, with its broken windows and sagging porch...

The car was found abandoned in Bristol.

Rescuers have not yet abandoned hope that more survivors will be found.

She abandoned all thoughts of going home.

She abandoned all thought of going home.

They abandoned the car on a back road.

That house was abandoned years ago.

She abandoned the party not long after the election.

The city can take possession of the abandoned buildings.

The abandoned town had gone to ruin.

...after the national emergency had passed, the political parties abandoned their shotgun unity and reverted to their partisan squabbling...

...bosomed by overgrown shrubbery, the abandoned cottage seemed like the ideal place for an afternoon tryst...

...a desolate house abandoned many years ago...

...the discovery of the abandoned ship in mid ocean remains one of the most enigmatic episodes in seafaring history...

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