Desolate - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈdesələt|  American pronunciation of the word desolate
Brit.  |ˈdesələt|  British pronunciation of the word desolate


- leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch (syn: abandon, desert, forsake)
- reduce in population (syn: depopulate)
- cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly (syn: devastate, ravage, scourge, waste)


- providing no shelter or sustenance (syn: bare, barren, bleak, stark)
the desolate surface of the moon
- crushed by grief
depressed and desolate of soul
a low desolate wail

Extra examples

...a desolate house abandoned many years ago...

...destitute and desolate since her husband walked out on her...

...totally desolated the city with aerial bombs...

A position more desolate than his had been can hardly be imagined.

The city had been desolated by the plague.

He was desolated by continuous despair.

David was desolated by his wife's death.

A desolate stretch of road

The valley is a desolate moonscape.

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