Roots - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈruːts|  American pronunciation of the word roots
Brit.  |ruːts|  British pronunciation of the word roots
- this word is used as a present tense form (he/she/it) of the verbto root
- this word is used as a plural form of the nounroot


- the condition of belonging to a particular place or group by virtue of social or ethnic or cultural lineage
his roots in Texas go back a long way
he went back to Sweden to search for his roots
his music has African roots

Extra examples

Her roots are in Canada.

Elm trees have shallow roots.

Pull weeds up by the roots so that they don't grow back.

You can tell that she dyes her hair blonde because her dark roots are showing.

The tree's roots serve as a barrier against soil erosion.

The powder is made from the roots of the plant.

The roots of these plants have been known to penetrate to a depth of more than 15 feet.

...the tree's intertwisted roots seemed to extend forever...

...waterlogged soil that caused the roots of the potted plant to rot...

All kinds of culinary roots and plants.

The fisherman's line became enmeshed in roots under the water.

We shall have to get the tree up by its roots.

Even if you plant the seed upside down, the roots will still grow down.

The rain will permeate through the soil and reach the roots.

New bushes can be reproduced from roots taken from the parent plant.

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