Roots - traduction, prononciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈruːts|  American pronunciation of the word roots
Brit.  |ruːts|  British pronunciation of the word roots
- this word is used as a present tense form (he/she/it) of the verbto root
- this word is used as a plural form of the nounroot


- la condition d'appartenance à un lieu ou à un groupe particulier en vertu d'un lignage social, ethnique ou culturelEd
his roots in Texas go back a long way
he went back to Sweden to search for his roots
his music has African roots

Matrix of words


- la racineroot
- l' origineorigin, source, rise, descent, root, parent
- la basebase, basis, foundation, ground, root, grounding
- la sourcesource, spring, fountain, root, rise, fount


- enracinerroot, implant
- encouragerencourage, promote, foster, support, spur, cheer on
- applaudirapplaud, cheer, acclaim, root, whoop
- s'enracinerroot
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