Sullen - परिभाषा (अनुवाद), उच्चारण, प्रतिलिपि

Amer.  |ˈsʌlən|  American pronunciation of the word sullen
Brit.  |ˈsʌlən|  British pronunciation of the word sullen


- एक दिखावा बीमार हास्य दिखा रहा हैEd (syn: dark, dour, glum, moody, morose, saturnine, sour)
a sullen crowd
- बादलों से अंधेराEd (syn: heavy, lowering, threatening)

Matrix of words


- उदासgloomy, melancholy, sullen, melancholic, sorrowful, heartbreaking
- धीमाslow, low, muffled, soft, dilatory, sullen
- हठीdogged, obstinate, headstrong, stubborn, obdurate, sullen
- म्लानmelancholic, cheerless, withered, dogged, hipped, sullen
- अमंगलसूचकominous, sullen
- ज़िद्दीstubborn, persistent, obstinate, wayward, difficult, sullen
- सुस्तdull, lax, sluggard, nerveless, floppy, sullen
- चिडचिडाcrusty, cantankerous, morose, spleenful, sullen, testy
- घुन्नाobmutescent, sullen
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