Views - traducción, pronunciación, transcripción

Amer.  |ˈvjuːz|  American pronunciation of the word views
Brit.  |vjuːz|  British pronunciation of the word views
- this word is used as a present tense form (he/she/it) of the verbto view
- this word is used as a plural form of the nounview

Matrix of words


- versee, view, watch, look, hear, see into
- considerarconsider, regard, account, think, look at, take into account
- mirarlook, look at, watch, see, view, glance
- contemplarcontemplate, watch, look at, view, gaze at
- examinarexamine, consider, review, look at, inspect, explore
- inspeccionarinspect, survey, examine, control, look round, view
- aprobarapprove, pass, adopt, endorse, agree, support
- censurarcensor, censure, condemn, rebuke, decry, deprecate


- la vistaview, sight, vision, vista, perspective, eyesight
- la visiónvision, view, sight, picture, seeing
- la opiniónopinion, view, mind, judgment, sentiment, verdict
- la perspectivaperspective, prospect, outlook, view, proposition, look-out
- el panoramapanorama, outlook, scene, view, prospect
- el criteriocriterion, judgment, standard, test, view, yardstick
- los pareceropinion, mind, judgment, say, feeling, view
- el pasajepassage, ticket, passageway, fare, pass, crossing
- la indicaciónindication, sign, suggestion, hint, direction, instruction
- la actitudattitude, pose
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