Warn - traducción, pronunciación, transcripción

Amer.  |wɔːrn|  American pronunciation of the word warn
Brit.  |wɔːn|  British pronunciation of the word warn


- notificar de peligro, daño potencial o riesgoEd
The director warned him that he might be fired
The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking
- asesorar o aconsejar en términos del comportamiento de alguienEd (syn: admonish, discourage)
I warned him not to go too far
I warn you against false assumptions
She warned him to be quiet
- pide irseEd
The old man warned the children off his property
- notificar, generalmente con anticipaciónEd
I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions

Matrix of words


- advertirwarn, notice, note, caution, forewarn, admonish
- avisarwarn, notify, alert, advise, inform, signal
- prevenirforestall, warn, caution, forewarn, previse
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