English dictionary


ide |ˈaɪd| — A freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae, found across northern Europe and Asia, Leuciscus idus.

idea |aɪˈdiːə| — the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about

ideal |aɪˈdiːəl| — the idea of something that is perfect; something that one hopes to attain

idealism |aɪˈdiːəlɪzəm| — (philosophy) the philosophical theory that ideas are the only reality

idealist |aɪˈdiːəlɪst| — someone guided more by ideals than by practical considerations

idealistic |ˌaɪdɪəˈlɪstɪk| — of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style

ideality |ˌaɪdiːˈælɪtiː| — the quality of being ideal

idealization |aɪˌdiːələˈzeɪʃn| — a portrayal of something as ideal

idealize |aɪˈdiːəlaɪz| — consider or render as ideal

idealized |aɪˈdiːəˌlaɪzd| — exalted to an ideal perfection or excellence

ideally |aɪˈdiːəlɪ| — in an ideal manner

ideate |ˈaɪdɪeɪt| — form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case

ideation |ˌaɪdɪˈeɪʃn| — the process of forming and relating ideas

ideational  — being of the nature of a notion or concept

idem |ˈɪdem| — The same.

identic |aɪˈdentɪk| — (obsolete) Identical.

identical |aɪˈdentɪkl| — exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different

identically |aɪˈdentɪklɪ| — with complete identity; in an identical manner

identifiable |aɪˌdentɪˈfaɪəbl| — capable of being identified

identification |aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃn| — the act of designating or identifying something

identified |aɪˈdentəˌfaɪd| — having the identity known or established

identifier |aɪˈdentɪfaɪər| — a symbol that establishes the identity of the one bearing it

identify |aɪˈdentɪfaɪ| — recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something

identifying |aɪˈdentəˌfaɪɪŋ| — Present participle of identify.

identikit |aɪˈdentɪkɪt| — a likeness of a person's face constructed from descriptions given to police; uses a set of transparencies of various facial features that can be combined to build up a picture of the person sought

identity |aɪˈdentətɪ| — the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity

ideogram |ˈɪdɪəɡræm| — a graphic character that indicates the meaning of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it

ideograph |ˈɪdɪəɡræf| — a graphic character that indicates the meaning of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it

ideographic |ˌɪdɪəˈɡræfɪk| — of or relating to or consisting of ideograms

ideographical |ˌɪdɪəʊˈɡræfɪkəl| — Alternative form of ideographic.

ideography  — the use of ideograms in writing

ideologic  — concerned with or suggestive of ideas

ideological |ˌaɪdɪəˈlɑːdʒɪkl| — concerned with or suggestive of ideas

ideologically |ˌaɪdɪəˈlɑːdʒɪklɪ| — with respect to ideology

ideologist |ˌaɪdɪˈɑːlədʒəst| — an advocate of some ideology

ideologue |ˈaɪdɪəlɔːɡ| — an advocate of some ideology

ideology |ˌaɪdɪˈɑːlədʒɪ| — an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation

ides |aɪdz| — in the Roman calendar: the 15th of March or May or July or October or the 13th of any other month

idiocy |ˈɪdɪəsɪ| — extreme mental retardation

idiom |ˈɪdɪəm| — a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language

idiomatic |ˌɪdɪəˈmætɪk| — of or relating to or conforming to idiom

idiomatical  — of or relating to or conforming to idiom

idiomatically |ˌɪdɪəˈmætɪkəlɪ| — in an idiomatic manner

idiopathic |ˌɪdɪə(ʊ)ˈpaθɪk| — (of diseases) arising from an unknown cause

idiosyncrasy |ˌɪdɪəˈsɪŋkrəsɪ| — a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual

idiosyncratic |ˌɪdɪəsɪŋˈkrætɪk| — peculiar to the individual

idiosyncratical  — Alternative form of idiosyncratic.

idiot |ˈɪdɪət| — a person of subnormal intelligence

idiotic |ˌɪdɪˈɑːtɪk| — insanely irresponsible

idle |ˈaɪdl| — the state of an engine or other mechanism that is idling

idleness |ˈaɪdlnəs| — having no employment

idler |ˈaɪdlər| — person who does no work

idling |ˈaɪdəlɪŋ| — having no employment

idly |ˈaɪdlɪ| — in an idle manner

idol |ˈaɪdl| — a material effigy that is worshipped

idolater |aɪˈdɒlətər| — a person who worships idols

idolator  — Alternative spelling of idolater.

idolatress |aɪˈdɒlətrɪs| — a woman idolater

idolatry |aɪˈdɑːlətrɪ| — the worship of idols; the worship of physical objects or images as gods

idolize |ˈaɪdəlaɪz| — love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol

idyl  — a musical composition that evokes rural life

idyll |ˈaɪdl| — an episode of such pastoral or romantic charm as to qualify as the subject of a poetic idyll

idyllic |aɪˈdɪlɪk| — excellent and delightful in all respects

idyllical  — idyllic

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