English dictionary


it |ɪt| — the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information

Italian |ɪˈtælɪən| — a native or inhabitant of Italy

Italianize |ɪˈtæljʌˌnaɪz| — To give something Italian characteristics

italic |ɪˈtælɪk| — a style of handwriting with the letters slanting to the right

italicize |ɪˈtælɪsaɪz| — print in italics

italics |ɪˈtælɪks| — (typography, plural only) letters in an italic typeface.

itch |ɪtʃ| — a contagious skin infection caused by the itch mite; characterized by persistent itching and skin irritation

itchiness  — an irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch

itching |ˈɪtʃɪŋ| — an irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch

itchy |ˈɪtʃɪ| — nervous and unable to relax

item |ˈaɪtəm| — a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list

itemize |ˈaɪtəmaɪz| — specify individually

itemized |ˈaɪtəˌmaɪzd| — simple past tense and past participle of itemize

iterance |ˈɪtərəns| — (obsolete) iteration

iterant |ˈɪtərənt| — Marked by repetition or iteration.

iterate |ˈɪtəreɪt| — to say, state, or perform again

iteration |ˌɪtəˈreɪʃn| — (computer science) a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated

iterative |ˈɪtəˌretɪv| — the aspect of the verb that expresses the repetition of an action

itineracy |aɪˈtɪnərəsiː| — Alternative spelling of itinerancy..

itinerancy |aɪˈtɪnərənsiː| — The state or quality of being itinerant

itinerant |aɪˈtɪnərənt| — a laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employment

itinerary |aɪˈtɪnərerɪ| — an established line of travel or access

itinerate |aɪˈtɪnəˌreɪt| — travel from place to place, as for work

itineration |ɪˌtɪnəˈreɪʃən| — journeying from place to place preaching or lecturing; a preaching tour or lecturing tour

its |ɪts| — Belonging to it. [from 16th c.]

itself |ɪtˈself| — (reflexive) it; A thing as the object of a verb or preposition that also appears as the subject

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