Pull-out - traduction, prononciation, transcription
|ˈpʊl aʊt|
- (idiomatique) Se retirer; Ed
The troops pulled out of the conflict.
- (littéralement) Utiliser le coït interrompu comme méthode de contrôle des naissances.EdWith a tremendous groan, he pulled out and ejaculated all over her belly.
- (idiomatique) Pour retirer quelque chose d'un conteneur.EdHe pulled out his gun before she had a chance to scream.
- (idiomatique) Pour manœuvrer un véhicule du bord d'une route sur la voie.EdWhen joining a road, you should check for traffic before pulling out.
Matrix of words
- se retirer
— withdraw,
pull out,
go out,
step down
- extraire — extract, draw, mine, pull out, read out, abstract
- déménager — move, remove, shift, flit, pull out, clear off
- s'ébranler — set off, move off, pull out, pull away
- s'échapper — evade, break out, swing the lead, escape, lick into shape, pull out
- extraire — extract, draw, mine, pull out, read out, abstract
- déménager — move, remove, shift, flit, pull out, clear off
- s'ébranler — set off, move off, pull out, pull away
- s'échapper — evade, break out, swing the lead, escape, lick into shape, pull out
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