Locate - traducción, pronunciación, transcripción
- descubrir la ubicación de; Ed (syn: turn up)
Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest?
- Determinar o indicar el lugar, el sitio o los límites de, como por un instrumento o por una encuesta.Ed (syn: situate)Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space
- asignar una ubicación aEd (syn: place, site)The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles
- establecerse y establecerseEd (syn: settle)Matrix of words
- localizar
— locate,
track down,
get on to
- ubicar — locate, situate
- encontrar — find, meet, encounter, locate, spot, trace
- colocar — place, put, position, set, lay, locate
- establecer — establish, set, set up, lay down, form, locate
- hallar — find, find out, discover, locate, meet with
- situarse — locate, station oneself
- estar ubicado — locate
- estar situado — stand, be lying, lie, locate, nestle
- ubicar — locate, situate
- encontrar — find, meet, encounter, locate, spot, trace
- colocar — place, put, position, set, lay, locate
- establecer — establish, set, set up, lay down, form, locate
- hallar — find, find out, discover, locate, meet with
- situarse — locate, station oneself
- estar ubicado — locate
- estar situado — stand, be lying, lie, locate, nestle
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