English dictionary


rial |riːˈɔːl| — the basic unit of money in Yemen; equal to 100 fils

riant |ˈraɪənt| — showing or feeling mirth or pleasure or happiness

rib |rɪb| — support resembling the rib of an animal

ribald |ˈrɪbld| — a ribald person; someone who uses vulgar and offensive language

ribaldry |ˈrɪbldrɪ| — ribald humor

riband |ˈrɪbənd| — a ribbon used as a decoration

ribands |ˈrɪbəndz| — plural form of riband

ribband |ˈrɪbənd| — a ribbon used as a decoration

ribbed |rɪbd| — (of the surface) having a rough, riblike texture

ribbing |ˈrɪbɪŋ| — a framework of ribs

ribbon |ˈrɪbən| — any long object resembling a thin line

ribboned |ˈrɪbənd| — simple past tense and past participle of ribbon

ribbons |ˈrɪbənz| — plural form of ribbon

ribby |ˈrɪbɪ| — Pertaining to or having ribs; ribbed. [from 18th c.]

rice |raɪs| — grains used as food either unpolished or more often polished

rice-paper |ˈraɪs peɪpər| — A thin, fragile paper made from parts of the rice plant, used in artificial flowers and watercolour art.

rice-water |ˈraɪsˌwɔːtə| — A weak gruel obtained by draining boiled rice in water until it dissolves.

rich |rɪtʃ| — people who have possessions and wealth (considered as a group)

riches |ˈrɪtʃɪz| — an abundance of material possessions and resources

richly |ˈrɪtʃlɪ| — to an ample degree or in an ample manner

richness |ˈrɪtʃnəs| — the property of being extremely abundant

rick |rɪk| — a painful muscle spasm especially in the neck or back (`rick' and `wrick' are British)

rickets |ˈrɪkɪts| — childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight associated with impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus

rickety |ˈrɪkətɪ| — inclined to shake as from weakness or defect

ricksha |ˈrɪkʃɔː| — a small two-wheeled cart for one passenger; pulled by one person

rickshaw |ˈrɪkʃɔː| — a small two-wheeled cart for one passenger; pulled by one person

ricochet |ˈrɪkəʃeɪ| — a glancing rebound

rictus |ˈrɪktəs| — a gaping grimace

rid |rɪd| — relieve from

ridable |ˈraɪdəbəl| — Alternative spelling of rideable.

riddance |ˈrɪdns| — the act of removing or getting rid of something

ridden |ˈrɪdn| — Past participle of ride

riddle |ˈrɪdl| — a difficult problem

riddling |ˈrɪdəlɪŋ| — Present participle of riddle.

ride |raɪd| — a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)

ride out |ˈraɪd ˈaʊt| — hang on during a trial of endurance

rider |ˈraɪdər| — a traveler who actively rides an animal (as a horse or camel)

riderless |ˈraɪdələs| — Without or deprived of a rider.

ridge |rɪdʒ| — a long narrow natural elevation or striation

ridged |ˈrɪdʒd| — having a ridge or shaped like a ridge or suggesting the keel of a ship

ridgepole |ˈrɪdʒpəʊl| — a beam laid along the edge where two sloping sides of a roof meet at the top; provides an attachment for the upper ends of rafters

ridgy |ˈrɪdʒiː| — Rising in a ridge or ridges.

ridicule |ˈrɪdɪkjuːl| — language or behavior intended to mock or humiliate

ridiculous |rɪˈdɪkjələs| — inspiring scornful pity

riding |ˈraɪdɪŋ| — the sport of sitting on the back of a horse while controlling its movements

riding-crop  — A horsewhip, short whip used to goad a mount.

riding-habit |ˈraɪdɪŋ hæbɪt| — A woman's garment for horseback riding.

Riesling |ˈriːzəlɪŋ| — white grape grown in Europe and California

rife |raɪf| — most frequent or common

riff-raff |ˈrɪf ræf| — Alternative spelling of riffraff.

riffle |ˈrɪfl| — a small wave on the surface of a liquid

riffraff |ˈrɪfˌræf| — disparaging terms for the common people

rifle |ˈraɪfl| — a shoulder firearm with a long barrel and a rifled bore

rifle-green |ˈraɪflˈɡriːn| — A dark green colour, like that of the British Army rifleman uniform.

rifle-pit |ˈraɪflpɪt| — (military) A trench for sheltering sharpshooters.

rifle-range |ˈraɪfl reɪndʒ| — A shooting range for shooting rifles.

rifleman |ˈraɪflmən| — someone skilled in the use of a rifle

rifles |ˈraɪfəlz| — plural form of rifle

rifling |ˈraɪfəlɪŋ| — the cutting of spiral grooves on the inside of the barrel of a firearm

rift |rɪft| — a gap between cloud masses

rig |rɪɡ| — gear (including necessary machinery) for a particular enterprise

rig out |ˈrɪ ˌɡaʊt| — put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive

rig up |ˈrɪɡ ʌp| — erect or construct, especially as a temporary measure

rig-out |ˈrɪ ˌɡaʊt| — (idiomatic) to provide with equipment or gear

rigged |ˈrɪɡd| — fitted or equipped with necessary rigging (sails and shrouds and stays etc)

rigger |ˈrɪɡər| — someone who rigs ships

rigging |ˈrɪɡɪŋ| — gear consisting of ropes etc. supporting a ship's masts and sails

right |raɪt| — an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature

right away |ˈraɪt əˈweɪ| — without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening

right-about |ˈraɪtəˌbaʊt| — A 180-degree turn towards the right (especially of troops)

right-and-left |ˈraɪtəndˈleft| — Alternative form of left and right.

right-angled |ˈraɪt æŋɡəld| — forming a right angle or containing one or more right angles

right-down |ˈraɪt daʊn| — positively

right-hand |ˈrɑɪt ˈhænd| — located on or directed toward the right

right-handed |raɪt ˈhændɪd| — rotating to the right

right-hander |raɪt ˈhændər| — (baseball) a pitcher who throws with the right hand

right-minded |ˈraɪt maɪndɪd| — disposed toward or having views based on what is right

right-of-way |ˈraɪtəvˈweɪ| — (uncountable) The right to proceed first in traffic.

right-on |ˌraɪt ˈɒn| — (US, idiomatic) An expression of enthusiasm or encouragement.

right-thinking |ˈraɪtˌθɪŋkɪŋ| — Sane, sensible, cogent, clear of thought.

right-wing |raɪt ˈwɪŋ| — believing in or supporting tenets of the political right

rightabout |ˈraɪtəˌbaʊt| — Alternative spelling of right-about.

righteous |ˈraɪtʃəs| — morally justified

righteously |ˈraɪtʃəslɪ| — in a righteous manner

righteousness |ˈraɪtʃəsnəs| — adhering to moral principles

rightful |ˈraɪtfl| — legally valid

rightfully |ˈraɪtfəlɪ| — by right

rightist |ˈraɪtəst| — a member of a right wing political party

rightly |ˈraɪtlɪ| — with honesty

rightness |ˈraɪtnəs| — according with conscience or morality

rightward |ˈraɪtwərd| — To or from the right.

rightwards |ˈraɪtwədz| — Rightward; towards the right.

rigid |ˈrɪdʒɪd| — incapable of or resistant to bending

rigidity |rɪˈdʒɪdətɪ| — the physical property of being stiff and resisting bending

rigidly |ˈrɪdʒədlɪ| — in a rigid manner

rigmarole |ˈrɪɡmərəʊl| — a set of confused and meaningless statements

rigor |ˈrɪɡər| — something hard to endure

rigorism |ˈrɪɡəˌrɪzəm| — strictness (in interpreting or enforcing a rule)

rigorous |ˈrɪɡərəs| — rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard

rigorously |ˈrɪɡərəslɪ| — in a rigorous manner

rigour |ˈrɪɡər| — the quality of being valid and rigorous

riksdag |ˈrɪksdæɡ| — The Swedish parliament.

rile |raɪl| — cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations

rill |rɪl| — a small stream

rim |rɪm| — the shape of a raised edge of a more or less circular object

rime |raɪm| — ice crystals forming a white deposit (especially on objects outside)

rimer |ˈraɪmər| — A tool for shaping the rimes of a ladder.

rimland |ˈrɪmland| — a land or region at the periphery of a heartland

rimless |ˈrɪmləs| — lacking a rim or frame

rimy |ˈraɪmiː| — covered with frost

rind |raɪnd| — the natural outer covering of food (usually removed before eating)

rinderpest |ˈrɪndərpest| — an acute infectious viral disease of cattle (usually fatal); characterized by fever and diarrhea and inflammation of mucous membranes

ring |rɪŋ| — a characteristic sound

ring out |ˈrɪŋ ˈaʊt| — sound loudly

ring up |ˈrɪŋ ʌp| — to perform and record a sale on a cash register

ring-bark  — To girdle a tree; to kill a tree by removing a ring of bark.

ring-dove |ˈrɪŋˌdʌv| — A ringneck dove.

ring-finger |ˈrɪŋ fɪŋɡər| — Finger between middle finger and little finger; the "third finger" (UK) or the "fourth finger" (US), especially of the left hand. (The ring finger is the left hand; a ring finger is either hand.)

ringbone |ˈrɪŋbəʊn| — osteoarthritis affecting any of several bones of a horse's foot

ringdove |ˈrɪŋˌdʌv| — greyish Old World turtledove with a black band around the neck; often caged

ringed |ˈrɪŋd| — shaped like a ring

ringer |ˈrɪŋər| — a person who rings church bells (as for summoning the congregation)

ringing |ˈrɪŋɪŋ| — the sound of a bell ringing

ringleader |ˈrɪŋliːdər| — a person who leads (especially in illicit activities)

ringlet |ˈrɪŋlət| — a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)

ringleted |ˈrɪŋlɪtɪd| — (of hair) shaped into ringlets

ringmaster |ˈrɪŋmæstər| — the person in charge of performances in a circus ring

ringtail |ˈrɪŋˌteɪl| — raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings

ringworm |ˈrɪŋwɜːrm| — infections of the skin or nails caused by fungi and appearing as itching circular patches

rink |rɪŋk| — building that contains a surface for ice skating or roller skating

rinky-dink |rɪŋkɪˈdɪŋk| — (informal) Of poor or inferior quality; hokey; sloppy; chintzy; small; flimsy; inadequate.

rinse |rɪns| — a liquid preparation used on wet hair to give it a tint

rinsing |ˈrɪnsɪŋ| — the removal of soap with clean water in the final stage of washing

riot |ˈraɪət| — a public act of violence by an unruly mob

rioter |ˈraɪətər| — troublemaker who participates in a violent disturbance of the peace; someone who rises up against the constituted authority

rioting |ˈraɪətɪŋ| — a state of disorder involving group violence

riotous |ˈraɪətəs| — produced or growing in extreme abundance

rip |rɪp| — a dissolute man in fashionable society

rip off |ˈrɪp ˈɒf| — deprive somebody of something by deceit

rip out |ˈrɪp ˈaʊt| — remove, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense

rip up |ˈrɪp ʌp| — tear into shreds

rip-off |ˈrɪp ɒf| — the act of stealing

rip-saw |ˈrɪpsɔːr| — Alternative spelling of ripsaw.

rip-up  — To destroy by ripping.

riparian |raɪˈperɪən| — of or relating to or located on the banks of a river or stream

ripe |raɪp| — fully prepared or eager

ripen |ˈraɪpən| — cause to ripen or develop fully

ripeness |ˈraɪpnəs| — the state of being ripe

riposte |rɪˈpəʊst| — a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one)

ripper |ˈrɪpər| — a murderer who slashes the victims with a knife

ripping |ˈrɪpɪŋ| — resembling a sound of violent tearing as of something ripped apart or lightning splitting a tree

ripple |ˈrɪpl| — a small wave on the surface of a liquid

rippling |ˈrɪpəlɪŋ| — a small wave on the surface of a liquid

ripply |ˈrɪpliː| — Having ripples.

riprap |ˈrɪprap| — An underwater bank seen as a danger to shipping.

ripsaw |ˈrɪpsɔːr| — a handsaw for cutting with the grain of the wood

ripsnorter  — a violently energetic or noisily outspoken person; someone using slambang methods

rise |raɪz| — a growth in strength or number or importance

risen |ˈrɪzən| — (of e.g. celestial bodies) above the horizon

riser |ˈraɪzər| — a person who rises (especially from bed)

risers |ˈraɪzəz| — plural form of riser

risibility |ˌrɪzəˈbɪlɪtɪ| — a disposition to laugh

risible |ˈrɪzəbl| — arousing or provoking laughter

rising |ˈraɪzɪŋ| — a movement upward

risk |rɪsk| — a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune

riskiness |ˈrɪskɪnəs| — a state of danger involving risk

risky |ˈrɪskɪ| — involving risk or danger

risotto |rɪˈsɔːtəʊ| — rice cooked with broth and sprinkled with grated cheese

risque |ˌrɪˈskeɪ| — suggestive of sexual impropriety

rissole |ˈrɪsəʊl| — minced cooked meat or fish coated in egg and breadcrumbs and fried in deep fat

rite |raɪt| — an established ceremony prescribed by a religion

ritual |ˈrɪtʃʊəl| — any customary observance or practice

ritualism |ˈrɪtʃʊəlɪzəm| — the study of religious or magical rites and ceremonies

ritualist |ˈrɪtʃʊəlɪst| — an advocate of strict observance of ritualistic forms

ritualistic |ˌrɪtʃʊəˈlɪstɪk| — of or characterized by or adhering to ritualism

ritualized  — simple past tense and past participle of ritualize

ritually |ˈrɪtʃʊəlɪ| — in a ceremonial manner

rival |ˈraɪvl| — the contestant you hope to defeat

rivalry |ˈraɪvlrɪ| — the act of competing as for profit or a prize

rive |raɪv| — tear or be torn violently

riven |ˈrɪvən| — Past participle of rive

river |ˈrɪvər| — a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek)

river-bed |ˈrɪvə bed| — attributive form of river bed, noun.

river-horse |ˈrɪvəˈhɔːs| — (poetic) hippopotamus

riverain |ˈriːvəˌren| — Of or pertaining to rivers or their surrounding environments.

riverbank |ˈrɪvərbæŋk| — the bank of a river

riverbed |ˈrɪvərˌbed| — a channel occupied (or formerly occupied) by a river

riverine |ˈrɪvəraɪn| — Of or pertaining to rivers, or located on or by a river

riverside |ˈrɪvərsaɪd| — the bank of a river

rivet |ˈrɪvɪt| — ornament consisting of a circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt)

riveter |ˈrɪvɪtər| — a worker who inserts and hammers rivets

rivulet |ˈrɪvjələt| — a small stream

riyal |rɪˈɑːl| — the basic unit of money in Saudi Arabia

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