Purposes - traduction, prononciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈpɜːpəsəz|
Brit.  |ˈpɜːpəsɪz|  British pronunciation of the word purposes
- this word is used as a plural form of the nounpurpose


- forme plurielle de butEd


- Troisième personne du singulier de l'indicatif présent du verbe butEd

Matrix of words


- le butpurpose, goal, aim, object, view, end
- l' usageuse, usage, purpose, practice, custom, wear
- l' objetobject, item, purpose, article
- la raisonreason, why, purpose, cause, ground, justification
- l' intentionintention, intent, purpose, mind, design, motive
- l' utilitéutility, usefulness, value, purpose
- la résolutionresolution, resolve, motion, settlement, determination, purpose
- le résultatresult, outcome, effect, product, upshot, work


- se proposerpropose, intend, purpose, plan, mean
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