Cleared - traducción, pronunciación, transcripción

Amer.  |ˈklɪrd|
Brit.  |klɪəd|  British pronunciation of the word cleared
- this word is a past tense form of the verbto clear
- this word is a past participle form of the verbto clear

Matrix of words


- limpiarclean, clean up, clear, cleanse, wipe, clean out
- despejarclear, free
- aclararclarify, clear, rinse, clear up, brighten, lighten
- clarificarclarify, clear, illuminate, refine, settle
- desbrozarclear
- desalojarevict, dislodge, clear, oust, move out, empty
- purificarpurify, purge, clear, refine
- absolverabsolve, acquit, clear, release, let off
- desatascarclear, unblock, free, unstop
- purgarpurge, drain, vent, clear
- saltar por encima dejump over, leapfrog, jump, leap, clear, take
- invalidarinvalidate, void, override, negate, nullify, annul
- desembarazarsedisembarrass, clear
- desescombrarclear, dig out, clear out
- pasar por un bancoclear
- zafarclear
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