Buy - traduction, prononciation, transcription

Amer.  |baɪ|  American pronunciation of the word buy
Brit.  |baɪ|  British pronunciation of the word buy
irregular verb:  p.t. — bought  p.p. — bought


- un achat avantageuxEd (syn: bargain, steal)
the stock was a real buy at that price


- obtenir par achat; Ed (syn: purchase)
She buys for the big department store
- effectuer des paiements illégaux en échange de faveurs ou d'influenceEd (syn: bribe, corrupt)
- valoir ou être capable d'acheterEd
This sum will buy you a ride on the train
- acquérir par commerce, sacrifice ou échangeEd
She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work
- accepter comme vraiEd
I can't buy this story

Matrix of words


- acheterbuy, purchase, take, cover, buy over, nobble
- accepteraccept, agree, take, approve, take on, buy
- corromprecorrupt, taint, poison, debauch, buy, pollute


- l' achatpurchase, purchasing, buying, buy
- l' affairecase, matter, business, affair, deal, buy
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