Trodden - traducción, pronunciación, transcripción
- aplastado por ser pisoteado.Ed
- Participio pasado de treadEd
Matrix of words
- pisar
— step,
set foot,
- hollar — tread, trample, tread down, hollo, holloa
- caminar — walk, go, trot, home in on, wend one's way
- pisotear — trample, tread, tread down, poach
- gallear — strut, tread, stand out
- ir dando — tough, tread, tread down, tick by, run out, tick away
- bailar — dance, spin, jig, prance
- batir — break, churn, flap, cream, whip up, whir
- poner el pie — tread
- abrir — open, open up, start, break, cut open, unfold
- hollar — tread, trample, tread down, hollo, holloa
- caminar — walk, go, trot, home in on, wend one's way
- pisotear — trample, tread, tread down, poach
- gallear — strut, tread, stand out
- ir dando — tough, tread, tread down, tick by, run out, tick away
- bailar — dance, spin, jig, prance
- batir — break, churn, flap, cream, whip up, whir
- poner el pie — tread
- abrir — open, open up, start, break, cut open, unfold
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