Push - traducción, pronunciación, transcripción
- el acto de aplicar fuerza para alejar algoEd (syn: pushing)
- un interruptor eléctrico operado presionandoEd (syn: button)
he gave the door a hard push
the pushing is good exercise
- la fuerza utilizada para empujarEd (syn: thrust)the pushing is good exercise
the push of the water on the walls of the tank
- impulso emprendedor o ambiciosoEd (syn: energy)- un interruptor eléctrico operado presionandoEd (syn: button)
the elevator was operated by push buttons
the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk
- un esfuerzo por avanzarEdthe push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk
the army made a push toward the sea
- moverse con fuerzaEd (syn: force)
He pushed the table into a corner
- presionar, conducir o impulsar (a alguien) a la acción o completar una acciónEd (syn: bear on)He pushed her to finish her doctorate
- hacer publicidad para; Ed (syn: advertise, advertize, promote)The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model
- esforzarse y esforzarse por alcanzar una metaEd (syn: drive, labor, labour, tug)We have to push a little to make the deadline!
- presionar con fuerza sin moverseEdshe pushed against the wall with all her strength
- acercarse a una cierta edad o velocidadEd (syn: crowd)She is pushing fifty
- esforzarse de forma continua, vigorosa o entrometida para lograr un fin o participar en una cruzada por una determinada causa o persona; Ed (syn: agitate, campaign, crusade, fight, press)The liberal party pushed for reforms
The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate
- vender o promover la venta de (bienes ilegales como drogas)EdThe Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate
The guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs
- moverse enérgicamente y con esfuerzoEdThe crowd pushed forward
- hacer vigorosos movimientos de empuje durante el parto para expulsar al bebéEd (syn: press)'Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman
Matrix of words
- el empuje
— push,
- el empujón — push, shove, heave, poke, dig, jab
- la ofensiva — offensive, push, aggressive, onfall
- el empellón — shove, push, jostle
- la embestida — assault, lunge, push, onrush, dash
- el enchufe — plug, jack, socket, electric outlet, contact, joint
- el apuro — trouble, hurry, plight, predicament, hardship, push
- las empujada — push, shove
- la energía — energy, power, vigor, drive, spirit, push
- la banda — band, side, strip, gang, brass band, bend
- el empujón — push, shove, heave, poke, dig, jab
- la ofensiva — offensive, push, aggressive, onfall
- el empellón — shove, push, jostle
- la embestida — assault, lunge, push, onrush, dash
- el enchufe — plug, jack, socket, electric outlet, contact, joint
- el apuro — trouble, hurry, plight, predicament, hardship, push
- las empujada — push, shove
- la energía — energy, power, vigor, drive, spirit, push
- la banda — band, side, strip, gang, brass band, bend
- empujar
— push,
- presionar — press, push, depress, squeeze
- apretar — tighten, press, squeeze, clench, pinch, grip
- fomentar — promote, encourage, foster, further, develop, push
- pisar — step, tread, set foot, press, trample, push
- promocionar — promote, push
- insistir en — stress, dwell on, push, labor, enforce, press the point that
- obligar — force, bind, compel, oblige, coerce, obligate
- apremiar — press, push
- adentrarse — push, push out into
- aprovechar — take advantage of, take, use, exploit, benefit, seize
- seguir a — remain, trail, get on, push, jolly, last
- recomendar — recommend, advise, suggest, advocate, commend, urge
- presionar — press, push, depress, squeeze
- apretar — tighten, press, squeeze, clench, pinch, grip
- fomentar — promote, encourage, foster, further, develop, push
- pisar — step, tread, set foot, press, trample, push
- promocionar — promote, push
- insistir en — stress, dwell on, push, labor, enforce, press the point that
- obligar — force, bind, compel, oblige, coerce, obligate
- apremiar — press, push
- adentrarse — push, push out into
- aprovechar — take advantage of, take, use, exploit, benefit, seize
- seguir a — remain, trail, get on, push, jolly, last
- recomendar — recommend, advise, suggest, advocate, commend, urge
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