True - traducción, pronunciación, transcripción
- alineación apropiada; Ed
out of true
- hacer nivelado, cuadrado, equilibrado o concéntricoEd
true up the cylinder of an engine
- colocado o lanzado con precisiónEd
his aim was true
- dedicado (a veces fanáticamente) a una causa o concepto o verdadEdtrue believers bonded together against all who disagreed with them
- conforme a los criterios definitivosEdthe horseshoe crab is not a true crab
Pythagoras was the first true mathematician
- digno de ser dependienteEd (syn: dependable, honest, reliable)Pythagoras was the first true mathematician
he was true to his word
I would be true for there are those who trust me
- no fingido; Ed (syn: genuine, unfeigned)I would be true for there are those who trust me
true grief
- con razón así llamadoEdtrue courage
a spirit which true men have always admired
a true friend
- determinado con referencia al eje de la tierra en lugar de los polos magnéticosEda spirit which true men have always admired
a true friend
true north is geographic north
- tener un reclamo legalmente establecidoEd (syn: lawful, rightful)the true and lawful king
- afinado; Eda true note
- ajustado con precisión; Ed (syn: straight)the window frame isn't quite true
Matrix of words
- verdadero
— true,
- fiel — faithful, true, loyal, accurate, devoted, trusty
- auténtico — authentic, real, genuine, true, bona fide, realistic
- exacto — exact, accurate, precise, right, correct, true
- genuino — genuine, true, authentic, pukka
- verídico — true, veridical, veracious
- leal — loyal, faithful, true, devoted, staunch, trusty
- justo — just, right, righteous, correct, true
- alineado — aligned, lined, in alignment, true
- justificado — justified, justifiable, righteous, not wrong, without mistakes
- afinado — keyed, finished, true
- a plomo — plumb, true
- a nivel — level, flush, even, true
- uniforme — even, uniformed, regular, level, true
- centrado — centered
- material — material, physical, objective, true
- fiel — faithful, true, loyal, accurate, devoted, trusty
- auténtico — authentic, real, genuine, true, bona fide, realistic
- exacto — exact, accurate, precise, right, correct, true
- genuino — genuine, true, authentic, pukka
- verídico — true, veridical, veracious
- leal — loyal, faithful, true, devoted, staunch, trusty
- justo — just, right, righteous, correct, true
- alineado — aligned, lined, in alignment, true
- justificado — justified, justifiable, righteous, not wrong, without mistakes
- afinado — keyed, finished, true
- a plomo — plumb, true
- a nivel — level, flush, even, true
- uniforme — even, uniformed, regular, level, true
- centrado — centered
- material — material, physical, objective, true
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