Coarse - traduction, prononciation, transcription

Amer.  |kɔːrs|  American pronunciation of the word coarse
Brit.  |kɔːs|  British pronunciation of the word coarse


- manque de raffinement, de culture ou de goûtEd (syn: common, uncouth, vulgar)
he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind
- de qualité ou valeur faible ou inférieureEd (syn: common)
of what coarse metal ye are molded

Matrix of words


- grossiercoarse, rude, rough, gross, crude, vulgar
- groslarge, big, fat, great, heavy, coarse
- ruderough, harsh, rude, hard, rugged, coarse
- vulgairevulgar, common, commonplace, coarse, crude, tacky
- à gros graincoarse
- frusterough, uncouth, coarse, inchoate, gross
- mauvaisbad, ill, poor, evil, wicked, coarse


- la canaillecanaille, vulgar, blackguard, roguish, coarse, hound
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