Aimed - traducción, pronunciación, transcripción

Amer.  |ˈeɪmd|  American pronunciation of the word aimed
Brit.  |eɪmd|  British pronunciation of the word aimed
- this word is a past tense form of the verbto aim
- this word is a past participle form of the verbto aim


- Participio de pretérito y pasado simple de aim.Ed

Matrix of words


- apuntarpoint, aim, record, write down, jot down, register
- aspiraraspire, aim, aspirate, inhale, breathe, suck up
- pretenderpretend, aim, purport, profess
- proponerpropose, put forward, come up with, advance, propound, put forth
- dirigirdirect, lead, address, manage, conduct, steer
- encararconfront, aim, point
- lanzarlaunch, throw, release, pitch, send, shoot
- asestardeal, land, aim, throw, thrust, fire
- tener el propósitoaim
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